An Analysis for Parallel Wind Simulation Speedup using OpenFOAM

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Neki Frasheri
Emanouil Atanassov


An analysis of speedup for parallel execution of OpenFOAM software for wind simulation over rugged terrain is presented in the paper. Runtime speedup is analyzed using small and medium resolution DEM models for icoFoam and pisoFoam solvers, the latter due to consideration of turbulence, running in the parallel system Avitohol of Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The results gave a clearer view about the possibility to run in reasonable time medium and high resolution models in regional scale, while indicating the weight of turbulence calculations for computing runtime requirements.

Article Details

Proposal for Special Issue Papers
Author Biography

Neki Frasheri, Polytechnic University of Tirana

Faculty of Information Technology, Department of FUndamentals of Informatics. Professor.