Dynamic versus Static Approach to Theoretical Anharmonic Vibrational Spectroscopy of Molecular Species Elevant to Atmospheric Chemistry: A Case Study of Formic Acid

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Bojana Koteska
Verce Manevska
Anastas Mishev
Ljupco Pejov


Vibrational spectra of the two conformers of the free formic acid molecule are computed by two approaches, with a special emphasis on the region of O-H stretching modes. The first approach (referred to as a static one) is based on sequential computation of anharmonic O-H stretching vibrational potential and numerical solution of the vibrational Schr\"{o}dinger equation by the Numerov method. The second approach (referred to as a dynamic one) is based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations performed within the atom-centered density matrix propagation scheme (ADMP) followed by spectral analysis of the velocity-velocity and dipole moment autocorrelation functions computed from the ADMP MD trajectories. All calculations are carried out within the density functional tight binding (DFTB) formalism. The computed properties are compared to the available experimental data and the advantages of the dynamic versus the static approach are outlined and analyzed in the context of detection of individual and non-covalently bonded molecular species relevant to climate science and atmospheric chemistry.

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Proposal for Special Issue Papers