Deadlock Free Resource Management Technique for IoT-Based Post Disaster Recovery Systems

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Madhavi Devi B
Smriti Agrawal
R. Rajeshwara Rao


Disasters are inevitable, but their impact can be mitigated with careful planning. An IoT-based network with limited resources can be used in the post-disaster recovery. However, the resource of common interest creates contention among its contenders. This contention leads to tussle which in turn may lead to a deadlock. Some of the existing techniques prevent or avoid deadlock by performing stringent testing with significant testing overhead. While others propose recovery action after the deadlock is detected with significant overhead. A deadlock leads to a breakdown of the post-disaster recovery system while testing overhead implies delayed response either case can lead to catastrophic losses. This paper presents a new class of techniques that do not perform stringent testing before allocating the resources but still ensure that the system is deadlock-free and the overhead is also minimal. The proposed technique suggests reserving a portion of the resources to ensure no deadlock would occur. The correctness of the technique is proved in the form of theorems. The average turnaround time is approximately 18%  lower for the proposed technique over Banker’s algorithm and also an optimal overhead of O(m).


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Proposal for Special Issue Papers