Security Situation Awareness System Based on Artificial Intelligence

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Hao Wu


There is rapid growth of the security threats faced by enterprises and the security attacks technology is also established at a higher level. Enterprises are facing an escalating threat landscape marked by sophisticated security attacks. To address the structural and technical challenges of information security situational awareness, a method for designing an artificial intelligence-driven system is proposed. In order to solve the system structure and key technical problems of information security situational awareness technology of artificial intelligence, a method of designing information security situational awareness system is proposed, and experiments are carried out through the method. By analyzing the data sources that the system needs to collect, including network traffic mirror data, log data, security intelligence and support data, this paper verifies the feasibility of the system method of information security situational awareness technology of artificial intelligence technology. The proposed core competence platform has the characteristics of low delay and robust real-time capabilities. By presetting the event processing topology, we can quickly build the event processing process, and build the corresponding event processing topology model according to different processing requirements to meet the business requirements. The AI-powered information security situational awareness system substantially enhances security awareness and prediction accuracy.

Article Details

Special Issue - Intelligent Cloud Technologies