Software Effort Estimation using Machine Learning Algorithms

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Kruti Lavingia
Raj Patel
Vivek Patel
Ami Lavingia


Effort estimation is a crucial aspect of software development, as it helps project managers plan, control, and schedule the development of software systems. This research study compares various machine learning techniques for estimating effort in software development, focusing on the most widely used and recent methods. The paper begins by highlighting the significance of effort estimation and its associated difficulties. It then presents a comprehensive overview of the different categories of effort estimation techniques, including algorithmic, model-based, and expert-based methods. The study concludes by comparing methods for a given software development project. Random Forest Regression algorithm performs well on the given dataset tested along with various Regression algorithms, including Support Vector, Linear, and Decision Tree Regression. Additionally, the research identifies areas for future investigation in software effort estimation, including the requirement for more accurate and reliable methods and the need to address the inherent complexity and uncertainty in software development projects. This paper provides a comprehensive examination of the current state-of-the-art in software effort estimation, serving as a resource for researchers in the field of software engineering.

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Research Papers