An Intelligent Network Method for Analyzing Corporate Consumer Repurchase Behavior Using Deep Learning Neural Networks

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Qiuping Lu


Earth system models (ESMs) are our key tools for analyzing the planet's existing state and predicting its evolution in the next continuing human-caused events. However, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to augment or even replace conventional ESM functions has expanded in recent years, raising hopes that AI will be able to overcome some of the major difficulties in climate research. We address the advantages and disadvantages of neural ESM neurons, as well as the unsolved question of whether AI will eventually replace ESMs. Dynamic geophysical events are the foundation of Earth and environmental studies. Given the widespread acceptance of AI and the growing amount of Earth data, the geoscientific community may wish to seriously explore using artificial intelligence (AI) approaches at a much deeper level. Although it is a tall ambition to integrate hybrid physics and AI approaches from a fresh perspective, geology has yet to figure out how to make such methods feasible. This research is an important step towards realising the concept of combining physics and artificial intelligence to address problems with the Earth's system.


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Special Issue - Deep Learning-Based Advanced Research Trends in Scalable Computing