Multiple Constraint Hybrid Travel Route Recommendation Model Based on Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm

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Qiong Zhang


The study presents a hybrid model for recommending travel routes that takes into account multiple constraints. This model is based on a collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm and addresses the issue of disorganized travel route recommendations. To improve upon the k-mean clustering algorithm, the proposed model introduces the Dynamic Gaussian Kernel Density K-means algorithm. After the data was processed, the initial clustering center was determined and k-means clustering was performed. Subsequently, the travel route recommendation model was created by integrating various constraints. The study’s proposed algorithm was compared with alternative algorithms, and the experimental results demonstrated superior performance across a range of datasets, with the minimum sum of squared errors and a running time of approximately 1.4 seconds - a noteworthy improvement. Comparative experiments were conducted on various forgetting coefficients in the model, and the forgetting coefficient with the lowest sum-of-squares of errors was selected to replace the existing one. Upon comparing the proposed research model with other models, it was found that the former had greater accuracy and recall, amounting to 98.1% and 96.8% respectively. This suggests that the proposed research model serves as a more efficient solution for travel route recommendation.

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Special Issue - Data-Driven Optimization Algorithms for Sustainable and Smart City