Intelligent Education Managemnt System Design for Universities based on MTCNN Face Recognition Algorithm

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Lin Li
Qi Zhang


Face recognition technique has made significant advancements in security and attendance, but its application in teaching management is minimal. To address the issues of insufficient teacher resources and declining educational quality, the paper designs an intelligent education management system for colleges and universities based on improved Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks (MTCNN) face recognition. The purpose is to achieve accurate recognition of faces through improved facial recognition technology, thereby analyzing the attendance status of students, and improving the efficiency and quality of educational resource utilization. Firstly, an improved MTCNN facial recognition technology is adopted to achieve realtime monitoring of student status and attendance in the classroom through a B/S network structure. Secondly, through cluster deployment and load balancing, system stability and response speed can be improved. The results indicated that the improved MTCNN had better facial recognition accuracy and GPU utilization than traditional systems under different occlusion conditions. When there was no occlusion, recognition accuracy was 99.4%. However, when occlusion was presented at 10%, 20%, and 30%, the accuracy dropped to 92.3%, 84.25%, and 73.4%, respectively. Additionally, when the number of concurrent users was 1000, the maximum GPU utilization rate was 75%, which was 11% lower than traditional MTCNN systems. The use of an improved MTCNN facial recognition-based intelligent education management system in universities can effectively enhance the quality of classroom teaching and monitor the status of students. Further optimization of algorithm performance is needed in subsequent research to support larger-scale concurrent user usage while reducing hardware resource consumption.

Article Details

Special Issue - Scalable Computing in Online and Blended Learning Environments: Challenges and Solutions