RBF Neural Network for Chaotic Motion Control of Collision Vibration System

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Shuyu Zhou


Aiming at the control problem of chaotic motion of a kind of collision vibration system with gap, a chaotic motion control of collision vibration system based on RBF neural network is proposed. Firstly, the system mechanical model and chaotic motion are introduced, and then a chaotic controller based on RBFNN is designed to control and simulate the chaotic attractor. The model information of the system is not used in the control method. In this paper, the model of the system is used only to generate the input / output data of the system, and it is not used for the design of the controller. The parameters of AHGSA algorithm are set as follows: the population size is 30, the maximum number of iterations is 100,G0, a = 18, and the proportional coefficient P = 0.96. Small disturbances are applied to the controllable parameter ωof the system to suppress the chaotic motion of the system and make the system tend to stable periodic motion. In order to more clearly show the control effect of chaotic motion, the chaotic motion is controlled when the system iterates 400 times. The results show that the chaotic motion can be quickly controlled to periodic 1-1 motion, the phase diagram is a closed curve, and there is a peak in the spectrum diagram. Chaotic motion can be quickly controlled as periodic 2-2 motion, the phase diagram is two closed curves, and two obvious peaks appear in the spectrum diagram. The proposed method can effectively control the chaotic motion of the system, and the expected target can be not only the fixed point of period 1, but also other periodic orbits.

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Special Issue - Deep Learning-Based Advanced Research Trends in Scalable Computing