Research on the Application of Node Importance Assessment based on HITs Algorithm in Power Grid Planning

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Gaoshan Fu
Xiang Yin
Yue Gao
Dan Meng
Liang Chen


Power grid planning needs to be strong and effective as the world’s energy environment shifts to include more renewable energy sources and smart technology. This study explores the use of the HITS (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search) algorithm to apply node importance assessment in the context of power grid planning. The HITS method provides a new way of looking at the importance of nodes in power grid networks. It was initially developed for online link analysis. The first section of the paper offers a thorough analysis of the power grid planning techniques now in use, highlighting the crucial role that nodes play in guaranteeing flexible and resilient systems. Next, the HITS method is modified and used in power grid networks, taking dependability, interaction, and node centrality into account. As part of the research process, a mathematical model that combines the HITS method with important variables unique to power grid planning is developed. On real-world power grid datasets, simulation tests are carried out to evaluate the algorithm’s performance in identifying nodes that are critical to fault tolerance, overall performance, and system stability. The study’s findings go beyond conventional power grid planning techniques by providing a sophisticated method of evaluating node relevance that is in line with the dynamic and interdependent character of contemporary energy networks. The results aid in the infrastructure optimization of the power grid, allowing planners and managers to better prioritize expenditures, increase resilience to disturbances, and make it easier to integrate energy from renewable sources smoothly.

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Special Issue - Evolutionary Computing for AI-Driven Security and Privacy: Advancing the state-of-the-art applications