Design of 0-day Vulnerability Monitoring and Defense Architecture based on Artificial Intelligence Technology

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Jian Hu
Zhenhong Zhang
Feilu Hang
Linjiang Xie


In response to the difficulty in detecting attacks caused by the unknown nature of 0-day vulnerabilities, the author proposes a knowledge graph based 0-day attack path prediction method. By extracting concepts and entities related to attacks from existing research on the ontology of network security and network security databases, a network defense knowledge graph is constructed to extract discrete security data such as threats, vulnerabilities, and assets into interrelated security knowledge. Using a knowledge graph reasoning method based on path sorting algorithm to explore possible 0-day attacks in the target system. Experimental results have shown that the proposed method can rely on the knowledge system provided by the knowledge graph to provide comprehensive knowledge support for attack prediction, reduce the dependence of prediction analysis on expert models, and effectively overcome the adverse effects of unknown 0-day vulnerabilities on prediction analysis. It improves the accuracy of 0-day attack prediction and utilizes the path sorting algorithm to infer based on the explicit feature of graph structure, being able to effectively backtrack the reasons behind the formation of reasoning results, this to some extent improves the interpretability of attack prediction analysis results.

Article Details

Special Issue - Graph Powered Big Aerospace Data Processing