The Employment of Carbon Nanotubes in Biomedical Applications

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Jafaar Fahad A. Rida


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), a prominent application of nanotechnology, find extensive use across various fields. Their electrical and optical characteristics, which are affected by the manufacturing process and any impurities introduced during production, are crucial in establishing their suitability for use. This research focuses on the utilization of carbon nanotubes in medical applications, exploring their properties both as electrical conductors and semiconductors, comparable to silicon used in precision medical equipment and devices. When functioning as electrical conductors, CNTs exhibit characteristics similar to traditional conductive materials. This property is harnessed in medical applications, particularly in targeted cancer treatments that minimize impact on healthy cells. CNTs’ efficient conduction of electrical current makes them valuable components in medical devices and equipment. Furthermore, CNTs showcase semiconductor properties akin to silicon. This characteristic is crucial for developing advanced medical equipment, enabling accurate diagnostics and medical imaging. The semiconductor behavior allows the creation of intricate medical devices with enhanced precision. The research underscores the significance of CNTs in shaping the future of medical technology, especially when integrated with artificial intelligence applications. The ability of CNTs to function both as conductors and semiconductors highlights their versatility in the medical field, promising advancements in healthcare technologies. Their use holds potential for targeted cancer treatments, accurate diagnostics, medical imaging, and enhanced performance through integration with artificial intelligence.

Article Details

Special Issue - Synergies of Neural Networks, Neurorobotics, and Brain-Computer Interface Technology: Advancements and Applications