Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology and Deep Learning in Laboratory Intelligent Management Platform

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Xing Lu


In order to effectively utilize data for laboratory management, a laboratory management model was studied, the author proposed a data-driven intelligent laboratory management process and logical architecture. For actual management work, there are mainly two types of operations: ”Selection” and ”action”, the author proposes a data-driven laboratory intelligent management process and logical architecture; Based on the idea of big data, label systems are used to classify and store laboratory related data and laboratory evaluation GBDT and other algorithmic models; Building an intelligent laboratory management platform based on the label system has realized laboratory management functions, which are widely used and highly scalable. This data-driven laboratory intelligent management platform plays a role in the entire life cycle of laboratories, including laboratory demonstration construction, construction process management, experimental teaching and open use, operation management and maintenance, and experimental effect evaluation, and can promote the maximum effectiveness of laboratories, provide strong support for later construction project approval.

Article Details

Special Issue - Deep Learning-Based Advanced Research Trends in Scalable Computing