The Application of Intelligent Robots and Deep Learning in the Construction Management Platform System of Construction Engineering

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Yandong Zhou


In order to solve the problem of duplicate data entry between construction management platform systems in construction engineering, the author proposes to apply RPA intelligent process robots to replace manual data collection, operation, entry, and verification. The design of the system is divided into overall architecture, instruction program loading process, human-machine interaction system level services, and other levels. An end-to-end procedural instruction transmission control method is adopted, establish a low-level control command output module for the online calibration system of the flight path, using a basic service architecture system, implement human-machine interactive control of the online calibration system for flight paths on the B/S architecture system. Build a record controller module for the inspection trajectory correction of RPA intelligent process robots, and perform feedback control during the trajectory correction process in LOG-CONTROL-BLOCK, using the RPA feedback correction algorithm, achieve adaptive correction and error feedback tracking of the inspection trajectory of RPA intelligent process robots. Implement calibration system development and design in an integrated DSP (Digital Signal Processing) information processing platform. The experimental results show that good economic benefits have been achieved through application, and the problem of duplicate data entry between the employer’s IFS system and the ENPOWER document management system has been solved, greatly reducing error rates and personnel costs. It can replace manual data collection, entry, verification, and business operations; It has the characteristics of low error rate, low cost, high accuracy, compliance, and 24/7 standby; In 2021, 108000 yuan was saved, in 2022, 432000 yuan was saved, and in 2023, 432000 yuan was saved, demonstrating the labor hour cost savings achieved by utilizing RPA intelligent process robots.

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Special Issue - Deep Learning-Based Advanced Research Trends in Scalable Computing