PA Fuzzy-noise Removal in Wireless Sensors Networks

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B Harish Goud
Anitha Raju


In the wireless sensor’s network, a large number of sensor device data is sent directly to the base station. So huge amount of noise is also added with data going to the base station and there is no security mechanism for protecting sensor device data in the existing scenario. WSN has numerous applications, including healthcare systems, secure military applications, and monitoring applications. Achievement of noise removal is essential for WSN. Many researchers have focused on enhancing the removal of noise in data and extending the network lifetime. Sensor Nodes (SNs), cluster heads (CHs), and base stations make up the standard WSN architecture. The communication of SNs using the traditional design consumes high energy increases delay and reduces network performance. To address the limitation of the present state of the system, this research work proposed a PA Fuzzy system which is acting like a filter used to remove unnecessary noise with sensor data that is moving toward the base station. And PA Fuzzy system after removing noise, and sensor data is encrypted so that it can be protected from hackers .It makes the network performance better, decreases delay and energy use, and increases the Ratio of packet deliveries and throughput. The execution of the suggested methodology was made using NS2. The proposed’s empirical outcomes system outperforms with comparison of the existing WSN mechanisms.

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Special Issue - Evolutionary Computing for AI-Driven Security and Privacy: Advancing the state-of-the-art applications