Prediction Method of Rate of Penetration based on Fuzzy Support Vector Regression

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Li Yang
Lishen Wang
Lili Bai
Wenfeng Sun


Predicting the rate of penetration (ROP) is important for optimizing drilling parameters, improving drilling efficiency, and optimizing economic benefits throughout the drilling process. The current prediction model of ROP based on machine learning algorithms does not consider the interference of outliers. Therefore, in this study, we propose a method to predict ROP based on fuzzy support vector regression (FSVR). First, appropriate input parameters were selected from the controllable parameters. Second, based on the local outlier factor, a fuzzy membership degree was assigned to each sample. Finally, the sample with the fuzzy membership value was input into the model for ROP prediction. The results demonstrated that the goodness of fit (R2) of the improved FSVR model is 0.9634, and the mean absolute error is 0.1974. Compared with standard SVR and other models, the improved FSVR model has a stronger anti-interference ability, smaller prediction error for normal samples, and higher accuracy.

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Special Issue - High-performance Computing Algorithms for Material Sciences