Research on the Application of MOOCs Based on Reinforcement Learning in College English Teaching

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Yu Gu


In the field of teaching college English, this study explores the integration of reinforcement learning concepts with Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). ”LearnFlex,” the suggested framework, is intended to support an environment that is dynamic and flexible for learning. By offering thorough English language courses and utilizing reinforcement learning techniques  LearnFlex leverages the inherent benefits of MOOCs to customize and enhance the learning process for every student. This study’s main goal is to assess how well LearnFlex works in the context of teaching college English to improve student performance, engagement, and general satisfaction. Through the integration of educational technology, machine learning, and pedagogical methodologies, LearnFlex aims to offer significant insights that support the ongoing development of efficient and customized online learning. The study contributes to the larger objective of improving teaching strategies by utilizing cutting-edge technologies to build a learning ecosystem that is more adaptable and focused on the needs of students. This study aims to provide insights for future improvements in online education, specifically in the area of language training, by conducting a thorough examination of LearnFlex’s effects.

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Special Issue - Evolutionary Computing for AI-Driven Security and Privacy: Advancing the state-of-the-art applications