Smart Fish Passage Design and Application of Hydroacoustic Communication Technology in Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration

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Chao Yue
Mengen Zhu
Lei Yang
Lei Li


The demand for creative solutions to help migrate fish and conservation efforts grows as aquatic environments experience more and more pressure from humans and fragmentation of habitat. The utilization of hydroacoustic technology for communication in conjunction with smart fish pathway architecture is the main emphasis of this research to improve rehabilitation efforts for aquatic environments. Using sophisticated systems for tracking and regulation to improve migratory pathways, the study investigates cutting-edge solutions in engineering for fish passage. Real-time data capture and transmission are made possible by the application of hydroacoustic technology for communication, which means that fish populations and monitoring systems can effectively communicate. The creation of intelligent fish passage structures with actuators, sensors, and communications components is a major focus of the research. The best passage efficiency of these structures is ensured by their dynamic adaptation to fish behavior and variables in the environment. An essential interface for gathering information on behavior, evaluating migratory trends, and putting adaptive management plans into practice is hydroacoustic communications technology. In order to assess the efficacy of the hydroacoustic communication technology and smart fish passage design in a variety of aquatic habitats, a thorough field investigation is part of the suggested methodology. To evaluate the effect on migration of fish rates of achievement, species diversity, and general well-being of the ecosystem, field data will be studied.

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Special Issue - Evolutionary Computing for AI-Driven Security and Privacy: Advancing the state-of-the-art applications