Machine Learning based Tool Wear Prediction from Variability of Acoustic Sound Emission Signals

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N V Krishnamoorthy
Vijay Joseph


A novel machine learning-based model is introduced in this research paper to forecast tool wear using acoustic emission (AE) signals. Adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) and a sophisticated feature engineering strategy are employed by the model to enhance the precision of its predictions. The proposed model, Machine Learning Tool Wear Prediction (MLTWP), analyzes AE signals generated during machining operations to distinguish between healthy and worn-out tool conditions with remarkable accuracy. The crux of our approach consists of meticulously eliminating and enhancing the temporal and spectral characteristics of the AE signals. We employ the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to identify the most valuable classification features. We implemented AdaBoost with the objective of progressively enhancing a set of weak classifiers’ ability to identify instances that were incorrectly classified in previous iterations. Utilizing this method increases the model’s sensitivity to minute variations in tool wear conditions and its overall classification precision. The MLTWP model underwent extensive testing on a benchmark data set comprising 25,304 AE signal records from cutting mill tools, using a training tool split of 9,989 worn (positive) and 8,990 benign (negative) instances. The results of our experiments, validated through four-fold cross-validation, indicate that the MLTWP model exhibits superior performance compared to the existing Tool Wear Prediction using Acoustic Emission Signals (TWPAE) model. To provide greater specificity, the MLTWP exhibited the following metrics on average: precision (92.2%), specificity (91.38%), sensitivity (90.42%), accuracy (90.9%), and MCC (81.72%). The fact that these metrics exhibit significant improvement over those of the TWPAE model demonstrates that our method of feature engineering and adaptive boosting is effective at precisely predicting tool wear. This research not only advances the existing understanding of tool wear prediction but also establishes a robust framework for the implementation of machine learning in manufacturing predictive maintenance.

Article Details

Special Issue - Soft Computing & Artificial Intelligence for wire/wireless Human-Machine Interface Systems