Sports Data Privacy Protection and Information Security Management

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Biao Jin


In order to achieve the protection of personal privacy, the author proposes research on sports data privacy protection and information security management. The author used the two-dimensional fractional Fourier transform (2D-FRFT) method to encrypt the detected human body parts, which can be decrypted when needed for viewing. Compared to traditional Fourier transform, Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT) can better express the time-frequency characteristics of signals and is very sensitive to the order of the transform. It is widely used in image encryption systems. 2D-FRFT increases the range of keys, further enhancing the security of the system. The author achieved encryption by extracting the detected human body parts and then performing a certain order of FRFT in the x and y directions respectively; When decrypting, use the same order of encryption to perform inverse fractional Fourier transform. Finally, based on research on pedestrian detection and encryption technology, the author designed a human-machine interaction interface that integrates the functions of detection and encryption interfaces, making the entire operation more intuitive and concise.

Article Details

Speciai Issue - Deep Learning in Healthcare