Dimension Extraction of Remote Sensing Images in Topographic Surveying Based on Nonlinear Feature Algorithm

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Yani Wang
Yinpeng Zhou
Bo Wang


In order to solve the problem of inaccurate image feature extraction caused by traditional extraction methods, this paper proposes a remote sensing image size extraction method based on nonlinear multi feature fusion for topographic maps. In this paper, SVM and DS evidence theory are combined to extract image features and classify pre processed remote sensing images. Based on the classification results, basic probability distributions are constructed, and a DS fusion algorithm using matrix analysis
is introduced to simplify the complexity of decision level fusion algorithms; We use a multi feature fusion algorithm based on feature proximity, using the proximity vector formed by the attraction between the feature vector and the original graphics pattern as the fusion feature to complete the extraction of remote sensing image features. The simulation results show that after using this method, its soft threshold classifier outputs 0.9865, 0.9965, 0.7852, 0.9921, 0.9847, 0.6879, -0.5898, -0.5678, -0.6897, -0.4785. The algorithm in this paper can distinguish the shape features of terrain images well, and can extract the features of terrain images more accurately, which has strong feasibility.

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Special Issue - High-performance Computing Algorithms for Material Sciences