A New Multi-Robots Search and Rescue Strategy based on Penguin Optimization Algorithm

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Ouarda Zedadra
Amina Zedadra
Antonio Guerrieri
Hamid Seridi
Douaa Ghelis


In response to the challenging conditions that arise after natural disasters, multi-robot systems are utilized as alternatives to humans for searching and rescuing victims. Exploring unknown environments is crucial in mobile robotics, serving as a foundational stage for applications such as search and rescue, cleaning tasks, and foraging. In our study, we introduced a novel search strategy for multi-robot search and rescue operations. This strategy draws inspiration from the hunting behavior of penguins and combines the Penguin Search Optimization Algorithm with the Random Walk Algorithm to regulate the global and local search behaviors of the robots. To assess the strategy's effectiveness, we implemented it in the ARGoS multi-robot simulator and conducted a series of experiments. The results clearly demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed search strategy.


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