CyberGuard: A Fortified Message Authentication Protocol with Digital Signatures in NS-2 Simulation Environment

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Prashant Kumar
Dimple Sethi
Gulshan Shrivastava
Neeraj Srivastava


Delving into the dynamic realm of communication networks, the Network Simulator-2 (NS-2) emerges as a versatile, object-oriented, and event-driven mirror, analysing the intricacies of computer network. NS-2, an open-source, is a strong tool for protocol innovation that supports numerous routing protocols designed for both wired and wireless networks in addition to the TCP/IP protocol suite. However, the security frontier has remained a latent challenge amidst its diverse protocol array. This research defiantly explores the security void in NS-2 and presents a novel solution by adding a state-of-the-art security module. Elevating NS-2's prowess, this module seamlessly integrates message integrity and sender authentication features, injecting a much-needed security boost. We meticulously detail the inner workings of the security modules, the innovative processes deployed, and the simulation and implementation intricacies within NS-2. The limelight is on the propagation of sender authentication protocols and the embodiment of message integrity in wired communication networks. Network Animator steps onto the stage to make the simulation journey more vivid, providing an engaging visual narrative. At its core, this module strives to democratize the integration of Digital Signature features, carving a path toward a more secure NS-2 landscape. This paper augments NS-2's resilience and charts new territories in the dynamic intersection of communication networks and cutting-edge security protocols.

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Special Issue - Recent Advance Secure Solutions for Network in Scalable Computing