The Income Allocation Mechanism of Trusted Dual Contribution Data Assets Based on Blockchain Technology

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Qianhui Chen
Weibin Ding
Huaqiang Shen


In order to solve the problem of researching the distribution of returns on trustworthy "dual contribution" data assets, the authors propose a research on the distribution mechanism of returns on trustworthy "dual contribution" data assets based on blockchain technology. Integrate and apply various levels in the blockchain system. In this model, a node authorization control mechanism is added in the network layer, which can be customized in the consensus layer, and the data query efficiency can be improved through the optimization of the structure and the establishment of the index, so that the data can be managed intelligently in the intelligent contract layer, and encrypts information with customizable encryption algorithms at the transaction layer. In simpler terms, the new data asset management model utilizing blockchain technology has made on-chain data queries 2.25 times faster compared to conventional models. The benefit distribution mechanism model of blockchain is more conducive to internal cooperation than the traditional model.

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Special Issue - High-performance Computing Algorithms for Material Sciences