Load Balancing Metrics for the SOAJA Framework

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Richard Olejnik
Iyad Alshabani
Bernard Toursel
Eryk Laskowski
Marek Tudruj


The paper describes system and program metrics used for load balancing
algorithms for Java program execution in the SOAJA (Service Oriented
Adaptative Java Applications) executive environment. This environment
aims in maintaining design and execution of large scale computing tasks
in complex networked Grid environments. SOAJA services provide means for
static and dynamic load balancing with the use of special metrics
obtained by Java object observation. SOAJA comprises mechanisms and
algorithms for automatic placement and adaptation of application objects,
in response to evolution of resource availability. Under control of
SOAJA, parallel Java objects can be optimally allocated to Grid nodes
before execution and next migrated at runtime to less loaded nodes to
maintain the balance of loads of constituent JVMs. SOAJA mechanisms
employ computation power metrics based on measurements of the idle time
of processor nodes and communication bandwidth metrics for network
resources based on statistical assessment of the existing traffic. Due
to these mechanisms the granularity of computing and distribution of the
application elements on the Grid platform can be optimally controlled.

Article Details

Proposal for Special Issue Papers