Sensors Data-Stream Processing Middleware based on Multi-Agent Model

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Ovidiu Aritoni
Viorel Negru


The goal of this study is to propose an architecture for an
intelligent sensor data processing middleware. In order to fulfill
the ambient assisted living data processing requirements we design a
flexible and scalable architecture based on multi-agent model. This
architecture allows acquisition, interpretation and aggregation of
sensor data-streams. Our system is able to process different sensor
data-streams, to adapt to different levels of abstraction, to define
different data-processing workflows. An extended operators over data
stream language is used to define workflows. Different types of
agents (simple sensor agent, logic sensor agent, virtual sensor
agent etc) are defined. The designed system is a domain independent
multi-agent system which can be instantiated for particular AmI
problems. The middleware architecture will use a healthcare system
for validation.

Article Details

Proposal for Special Issue Papers