An Agent-Based Approach For Hybrid Multi-Cloud Applications

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Djamel Benmerzoug


Cloud service offerings provide a competitive advantages to enterprises through flexible and scalable access to computing resources. With the recent advances in Cloud computing, the need is emerging for interoperability between Cloud services so that a complex and developed business applications on Clouds are interoperable. In fact, combining different independent Cloud services necessitates a uniformĀ  description format that facilitates the design, customization, and composition. In this context, Agent Interaction Protocols (IP) are a useful way for structuring communicative interaction among business partners, by organizing messages into relevant contexts and providing a common guide to the all parts. The challenge here is twofold. First, we must propose a formal model that is rich enough to capture interactions characteristics. Second, we must allow designers to combine existing protocols to achieve a new specific need.

The work presented in this paper is considered as a first step toward Agent Interaction Protocols as a Service. In fact, we propose a basis for a theoretical approach for aggregating protocols to create a new desired business application. The proposed
approach provides the underpinnings of aggregation abstractions for protocols. Also, it proposes a set of operators that allows the creation of new value-added protocols using existing ones as building blocks.

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Proposal for Special Issue Papers