Review of Automated Test Case Generation, Optimization, and Prioritization using UML Diagrams: Trends, Limitations, and Future Directions

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Srinivasa Rao Kongarana
A. Ananda Rao
P Radhika Raju


This systematic literature review examines the effectiveness of automated test case generation, optimization, and prioritization methods based on Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. The review summarizes the methods, main contributions, and limitations, and suggests areas for future research. This paper examines various optimization algorithms, model-based testing methods, and UML diagram validation methods to determine how well they perform. The review highlights some issues with the current situation, such as the fact that it only examines a few types of UML diagrams and does not go into great detail about how they work or compare to other diagrams. However, it also suggests ways in which these issues could be addressed in future research. Some of the suggested directions include researching different modeling languages and devising solutions to handle the complexity of system models. Model-based testing should also be combined with optimization and prioritization methods to increase the flexibility and usefulness of research in this field. This article makes no direct comparisons to UML diagrams, but it does provide a thorough discussion of the current state of the art and a list of strategic priorities to advance the field of automated test case generation, optimization, and prioritization. These reviews are useful for both researchers and practitioners because they demonstrate how things are currently done and how they should be done in the future.

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Special Issue - Soft Computing & Artificial Intelligence for wire/wireless Human-Machine Interface Systems