High Speed Low Power Analysis of 12 Transistors 2×4 line Decoder using 45GPDK Technology

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Sruthi Pavani Javvadi
C R S Hanuman
Sivadurgarao Parasa
Sannajah Naraganeni


This paper proposes the high speed low power analysis of 12 transistors 2×4 Low Power (LP) and Low Power Inverting (LPI) Decoders by using Dual Value Logic (DVL) and Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Logic. A huge challenge faced by this era of developing is power reduction. The LP circuit design is a requesting issue in high performance digital frameworks, for example, microchips, DSPs and other different applications. Power and speed are the main highlights considered while comparing any design. Diminishing chip area is additionally truly impressive factor, designers need to recall when suggesting any novel design. 2×4 LP and LPI Decoders using 12T (Transistor) is used for conversion of binary inputs to associated output bits in a pattern. A novel design (CMOS logic and DVL logic) of 2×4 LP and LPI Decoders using 12T is proposed with area optimization, LP and high speed in this paper. Delay and power is evaluated between the novel design and CMOS logic. The novel design of 12T LP and LPI 2×4 Decoders is 60.72% optimized for power in contrast to CMOS logic design at a typical value of 1.8V. The proposed method has been validated using Cadence 45 GPDK (Generic Product Design Key) Virtuoso Tool.

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Special Issue - Soft Computing & Artificial Intelligence for wire/wireless Human-Machine Interface Systems